Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Request, A Vanisher, and A Possible Do-over

Here are three more caricatures. Rico's was kind of a request. When he saw Chandra's, he asked what was my process of selecting a subject and I told him that I was just going down the list of employee photos and kind of picking at random. He replied "I can't wait to see what mine is going to look like." So I just accepted that as a request and did some sketches to see if I could get something I liked. The first sketches looked like Simon Bar Sinister from the old Underdog cartoons.

I finished Chris' caricature over the weekend and when I came in Monday, I found out that Friday was his last day. But one of the other guys at work delivered a print out of the caricature to him.

Davids caricature didn't quite come out like I was seeing it in my mind, I may redo this one, I was going for a "Cro-Magnon" look.

Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop, Cintiq 12wx



Quick Good-bye's

I got wind that a co-worker was leaving, a fellow boomerang (those that have left and come back), so I tried to finish her caricature before her last day but they didn't announce her leaving until the tail end of her two weeks notice. I did get it about 85-90% complete, so once I did complete it I printed and mounted it on a white board and sent it around the office so folks could sign it. Then we framed it and sent it to her. Turned out pretty nice.

Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop, Cintiq 12wx