Here are three more caricatures. Rico's was kind of a request. When he saw Chandra's, he asked what was my process of selecting a subject and I told him that I was just going down the list of employee photos and kind of picking at random. He replied "I can't wait to see what mine is going to look like." So I just accepted that as a request and did some sketches to see if I could get something I liked. The first sketches looked like Simon Bar Sinister from the old Underdog cartoons.
I finished Chris' caricature over the weekend and when I came in Monday, I found out that Friday was his last day. But one of the other guys at work delivered a print out of the caricature to him.
Davids caricature didn't quite come out like I was seeing it in my mind, I may redo this one, I was going for a "Cro-Magnon" look.
Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop, Cintiq 12wx
Rico |
David |