Going to see Barry Manilow in concert, thought I'd try and get another entry into my "Celebrity Book". Didn't really plan on it but my boss has season passes or something for the concert hall and word got to her that I'm a Barry Manilow fanatic (not really, I like his music but I'm not an über-fan the way word gets around that I am, but I just go with it.)
The hair was tough on this one, I still don't like it but I can live with it. This one was done as a grayscale value painting first then color added to it when it was done.
The plan is to print it out the size of the book and add it to one of the pages, print another one and frame it (to give as a gift.) Then take both with a small vase of flowers, deliver them to the venue with a note telling him to keep the framed one and sign the one in the book and have someone take the book to the coat check room so I may retrieve it after the show. (Basically the same thing I did when I got Jay Leno's autograph. I would just send him the framed one and the other one
not in the book but I it helps when they can see that I've got other celebrity autographs.
Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop and Cintiq 12W