Sunday, August 29, 2010


Here's the finished color version, I think I learned an effective way of doing Hazel eyes. When she told me her eyes were Hazel I was going to steal them from a jpg on Google. But I decided I would be missing the whole point of doing  these and that's to better hone my skills. So I laid down the primary three colors that make Hazel eyes so (ahem) weird looking Green, light green/yellow, and orange solid dots one on top of the other with the green being the largest then light green and finally the orange dot in the middle. Then I used the smudge tool set on 50% strength and smeared it back and forth across the diameter rotating until it looked like a starburst. And over-lay them to her eyes.


Here's the finished grayscale painting done of a coworker. I started last weekend and finished it by mid-week, which left plenty of time to color it and move on.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Greg and Reece

A quick caricature of Greg and Reece two friends that took off for Cali. They look a lot pastier than they really are but I'll live with it, maybe on my machine at work I can adjust the colors a bit.

Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop on Cintiq

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hand Study

Just a practice piece, from a picture I snagged from a Google search "hand gesture".

Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop, on Cintiq

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Practice drawing

A practice run in tightening my work.

Sarah gray

Here's the grayscale finished caricature of Sarah. I bailed on the sweater and did some lame-o grabbing a fabric texture and layering it in. I may change it when I color it. I was just wanting to finish it so I could move on to bigger and better game. I've been eyeballing some new techniques I want to try.

Playing with Sarah's face

Sketch of my friend Sarah.